“When we perceive the reflected sun in a jar of water , there are three things–the Jar, the Water and the Reflection of the sun.
As long as our attention is on the reflection, the real sun is not perceivable.
In order to see the sun,we have to lift our eyes high up from the jar, the water and the reflection. In the sun, there is no jar, no water and no reflection.
Viveka Choodamani , Verse 219 says:
“The intelligent man leaves aside the jar, the water and the reflection in it and sees the sun which is self-luminous..So too, the wise realise the self-luminous Reality which illuminates these three and recognise IT as independent of them all.”
These three are symbolic examples to help us understand the play of the SELF.
Once you know the sun,you will understand that it is the illuminator of the Jar, the water and the reflection.Nobody is needed to illuminate the sun.It is self-effulgent.It is its own light. In the light of the sun,other things are illumined.Similarly, the wise man recognises the SELF.
Apply the above analogy subjectively to your own life and contemplate:
– Jar is the body
-Water is the thoughts.
– The reflected Sun is the ego.
-The SUN in the heavens is the Supreme Reality which illumines all these”
(Swami Chinmayananda’s Commentary.)
By Admin
CovaiCare Retirement Communities