
Self- Effort – and Destiny

Self- Effort - and destiny

“The dilemma of choosing between self-effort and surrender to God as destiny crops up often.They are not mutually exclusive and wisdom lies in their coexistence.. Yoga Vasishta is one scripture that extols self-effort most explicitly, and it ascribes all failures to sloth and idleness in efforts.It regards fate or destiny as the result of lack … Read more

A Jar of Water

Jar of Water

“When we perceive the reflected sun in a jar of water , there are three things–the Jar, the Water and the Reflection of the sun. As long as our attention is on the reflection, the real sun is not perceivable. In order to see the sun,we have to lift our eyes high up from the … Read more

On Giving

Kahlil Gibran says: “There are those who give little of the much they have–and they give it for recognition; and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome. And there are those who have little and give it all. These are the believers in life and the beauty of life and their coffers are never empty. … Read more

The Divine Swan 

“Hamsa” means Swan.The Hamsa Upanishad explores the concept of Hamsa as the Supreme breath, symbolizing the vital force and the divine presence in every being. Breath is sound, states the text.  “The aspirants for salvation worship the Paramatman as having the form of a “Hamsa” or the Divine Swan as detailed in this Upanishad. As … Read more

Life’s vast horizons

In our twilight years, companionship and social bonding  become our most faithful companions. Haruki Murakami reminds us,  “No matter how far you travel, you can never get away from yourself.”  Yet in senior communities across the world, people are realising that while we can’t escape ourselves, we can transform our lifestyle through the simple yet … Read more