Why should I tame the mind? Because I want to be at peace with myself.. Sri Ramana says: “The mind causes all thoughts to arise,. Apart from thoughts, there is no such thing as the mind.” So I need to discipline my thoughts.
Arjuna says:” The mind is very restless ,turbulent, strong and unyielding.
O Krishna, It appears to me that it is more difficult to control than the Wind”
Agreeing with Arjuna, the Lord says that undoubtedly, the mind is difficult to control. But by Practice (Abhyaasa) and by Dispassion (Vairagya), it can be restrained and ultimately brought to a complete halt.
(Gita 6-34/35)
Two main causes for the agitation of thoughts are:
a) clinging attachment to the objects of the world. and
b) lingering expectations of the fruits of action.
These have to be renounced (Vairagya).
Practice (Abhyasa) strengthens renunciation. Both Abhyasa and Vairagya , hand in hand, helps in maintaining the progress .(Swami Chinmayananda)
It is not ordnarily possible to totally eliminate all thoughts. Good thoughts strengthen the mind intellectually and spiritually. The ‘ bad ‘ thoughts weaken us.. Allow good thoughts but do not pursue them. They will come and go like waves.
When undesirable thoughts arise, the remedy is to constantly ponder over the opposites, to cultivate “contrary thinking” by positive and neutralizing thoughts.
This is called “Prathi Paksha Bhaavana” in Sanskrit.
Taming the mind is best done by Silence –of Speech,Thoughts and Action. “The most beautiful music in your life will come from sublime silence, This is the melody of the soul” (Om Swami)
“Through meditation on the forms of God and through repetition of mantras the mind becomes one-pointed, The mind will always be wandering. Just when a chain is given to an elephant to hold in its trunk it will go along grasping the chain and nothing else, so also when the mind is occupied with a name or form it will grasp that alone.”
(Sri Ramana)
Lord Krishna says” Seek refuge in Buddhi Yoga”
“Buddhi is the determining factor in the inner equipment (Nischayatmika). Mind is Samsayatmika. Buddhi Yoga is an individual’s attempt to live and act from the zone of the intellect which freely controls and readily receives faithful obedience from the mind. The mind working in unison with the intellect, is called Buddhi Yoga” (Gita 2-49)
The Lord says in Gita 8–07:” At all times remember Me. Fight your battle of life by keeping your mind and intellect totally absorbed in Me. You will certainly attain Me”
“Even when you are occupied with worldly responsibilities,the bottom of your mind should be resting with the Lord” (Swami Chinmayananda)
“Remember God just as the village woman remembers the water pot on her head,She speaks with others and walks on the path but her hand keeps holding on to the pot” (Saint Kabir)
“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for they become destiny”
— Lao Tzu. Ancient Chinese philosopher
Have a nice day!