“This too shall pass” is a Persian adage translated and used in several languages.,It reflects on the temporary nature or ephemerality of the human condition that neither the bad, nor good moments in life ever indefinitely last.
“This phrase is often used as an encouragement to remind someone that a bad or unpleasant situation will eventually end.
“It is impossible to imagine a thought more truly and universally applicable to human affairs than that expressed in these memorable words or more descriptive of that perpetual oscillation from good to evil and from evil to good, which from the beginning of the world has been the invariable characteristics of the annals of man, and so evidently flows from the strange mixture of noble and generous with base and selfish inclinations ” —Wikipedia
Bhagavad Gita (2–14) expresses an identical- and consoling- thought.
Swami Chinmayananda explains:
“He who can understand that the objects of the world are in a state of flux, are constantly coming into existence and perishing–he will not allow himself to be tossed about by the existence of the finite things of the world. Nothing can remain the same, even for a short period, in the world of objects where change alone is the changeless law. Heat or cold, success or failure, pain or pleasure–none of them can be permanent.
“The wise thing would necessarily be to suffer them meekly with the comfort and consolation of the knowledge of their finite nature. It is the attitude of the wise to go through life, both in joy and sorrow, success and failure, pain and joy, with the constant awareness: “Even this will pass away,
” Have you heard of George Harrison’s music album, “All things must pass”? He sings:
“Sunrise doesn’t last all morning.
A cloudburst doesn’t last all day.
Sunset does not last all evening.
A wind can blow those clouds away.
Now the darkness only stays the nighttime.
In the morning it will fade away.
It is not always gonna be this grey.
All things must pass away.”
(George Harrison was the lead guitarist in the Beatles, later embraced Indian Culture, played Indian instrumental music with Pandit Ravi Shankar)
By Admin