God is where Love is………

A wealthy businessman was once sitting by the beach in a small sleepy village. As he sat, he saw a fisherman rowing a small boat back towards the shore moments after he had ventured into the sea, having caught quite very less quantity of fish. The fisherman appeared quite happy, contented and blissful though.

The businessman was astonished and asked the fisherman, “How come you can be so happy having caught only few fish ? ”

“This is enough to feed my whole family,” the fisherman said.

The businessman then asked, “So, what do you do for the rest of the day?”

The fisherman replied, “Well, after fishing, I go back and spend quality time with my family, play with the kids, help my wife around in the kitchen, eat lunch together and evening comes, I meet up with my buddies, return home and the family prays together, enjoy supper and retire to bed happily.”

The businessman laughed in derision.

“Why don’t you spend more time at sea and catch more fish? With the money saved, you could buy a bigger boat and catch even more fish. Soon you will be able to buy more boats, set up your own company and you can live like a king in your own house.”

The fisherman asked, “And after that?”

The businessman said, “After that, you can finally retire, move to a house by the fishing village, wake up early in the morning, catch few fish, then return home to spend quality time with your family and when evening comes, you can meet up with your buddies, return home, pray with your family, eat together and retire to bed happily.”

The fisherman quipped back, “Isn’t that what I am doing now?”

Isn’t happiness a state of the mind? We generally associate it with external factors - money, house, cars etc. and go on a wild goose chase, acquiring them in the hope of attaining peace & happiness, only to discover that we are chasing a mirage.

Happiness is attained when we act in a way that benefits others. Happiness is attained when we connect with people on a deep, human level. Happiness is attained when we give to causes beyond ourselves. Happiness is attained through sharing, caring, loving & giving to others unconditionally - traits I have found in abundance at Chinmayam. Little wonder we Special Adults, also known as the Children of God, find Chinmayam an abode of the Lord since God is where Love is!

By Sidharrth Hariharan, Covai Chinmayam Retirement Community

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