


Years of questioning and searching for answers, the path that I once crossed, but failed to grasp, the presence felt, yet ephemeral. Does He exist between every heartbeat? Is He the compassion that a stranger guided me in my distress? Does he reveal Himself in the pages of the holy books, or in the prayers … Read more

The Kite as my Guru

The Kite as my Guru

“A kite with a fish in its beak was being chased by a flock of crows and kites trying to snatch away the fish.. The crows and kites followed it everywhere. The tired kite finally dropped the fish that was instantly caught by another kite. The flock now turned to the new possessor of fish. Left … Read more

A lesson from flowers

A lesson from flowers

Have you ever wondered why we offer flowers for worship?It is not just for colour and fragrance. If it were just that,we could offer many other beautiful colours, perfumes and scents. But why flowers? There is a very real and beautiful  reason behind it. You see, a flower is a living thing. It has life … Read more

Revisiting Writing

Revisiting Writing

The Lord of All New Beginnings The first thought I had when I conceived the idea of writing on the evolution of writing was of Lord Ganesha transcribing Vyasa’s powerful storytelling and the speed of his narration of the epic Mahabharata. Ganesha’s condition of non-stop recitation from Vyasa was matched by Vyasa’s insistence that Ganesha … Read more

Self- Effort – and Destiny

Self- Effort - and destiny

“The dilemma of choosing between self-effort and surrender to God as destiny crops up often.They are not mutually exclusive and wisdom lies in their coexistence.. Yoga Vasishta is one scripture that extols self-effort most explicitly, and it ascribes all failures to sloth and idleness in efforts.It regards fate or destiny as the result of lack … Read more