
Pride and Humility

Absence of Pride-Amaanitvam- is one of the traits of a seeker in Gita Ch.13-08 “Humility is a state of mind. When we become proud of our talent or achievements, we forget that God has given these attributes to us.Humility is a true renunciation of being special. Only a simple heart can be humble. Simplicity and humility go … Read more

Genthen, Gennext

Through the sands of time, the same story, viewed through the lens of two generations. Let’s look at a quick flashback – in fact this meandering tale of mine will be in several quick cuts and flashbacks, much like Indian movies where the hero is in the same school as the heroine and wants her … Read more

Living Life the ZEN way

Living a graceful life that has meaning and happiness is an art anyone can master, Essentially, that is what ZEN is about; a state free from conditioning, so that the mind can rest and rejoice, so it may go with the flow of life without the anxiety to always get somewhere. Life is here, just now. … Read more

Spirituality, Religion and Science

Spirituality, Religion and Science

SpiritualitySpirituality is the quest for Enlightenment or Realization. Spirituality is knowing answers to eternal questions like: Who am I?  Who is Brahman?  What is life and death?  Is there any purpose to life?  Why is there so much misery and suffering in life? According to Indian spiritual wisdom, the entire creation is a projection of … Read more

A New Year That Has Yet To Be Written

When the clock strikes midnight on New Year Eve, you and I will probably be asleep – or complaining about lack of sleep from the time we retired. As we walk away from another year, another decade, some of us reminisce about the nectar of happiness and in later years, the awful or awesome TV … Read more