
Motion is Lotion

You’ve probably heard the saying “motion is lotion” before—a fun way of reminding us that staying active is key to feeling good and keeping our bodies in good shape. But behind the humor is a solid truth. I can tell you from personal experience that  keeping our bodies moving can have profound benefits across all aspects of our life. 

I am 80 and here is my take on motion  and how it is the universe of good living.

From your tiny baby years – you’ve seen how babies kick, bawl and shift all the time – to being a restless, active teenager, to tackling a  demanding career, enjoying your golden years, or just looking to stay healthy –  incorporating movement into your daily routine is a game-changer. 

Let’s take a quick peek to see how this concept applies to health, exercise, career, senior living, and social interaction. Smirk you may, but you can’t laugh away the fact that a better you will emerge if you follow some of the old man’s tips. 

The Fountain of Youth is Within  All of Us 

Just as “motion is lotion” for the body, mental agility and the motion of the mind are vital for maintaining cognitive health and overall well-being.

The phrase “mental agility” refers to the ability to think quickly, adapt to new information, and solve problems efficiently. It is closely related to the “motion of the mind,” which highlights the dynamic and fluid nature of thought processes that empower individuals to navigate complex situations and make decisions with ease. Both concepts emphasize the importance of keeping the mind active and engaged, much like how physical motion is essential for maintaining bodily health. Wellness practitioners emphasize the importance of mental agility. The good news here is that as we age, the activeness and agility of the mind sharpen if we are able to  seek and pursue new learning situations. Scrabble and Sudoku may not be enough, we need to push a little harder.

In short, go back to school. Let your mind wander and study you and your body.

Exercise is a two way street

When we think about health, the image of someone our age  sprinting or doing the  treadmill stuff might not be the first thing that comes to mind. But trust me, it’s not just about looking good in a track suit or gym wear. Regular physical activity is like a magic potion for your body. It helps control weight, boosts your mood, and keeps your heart and lungs in top shape.

Imagine your body as a well-oiled machine. When you don’t move, your joints become rusty, your muscles weaken, and your metabolism slows down. But with consistent movement, you’re essentially applying that “lotion”. We used to joke in our earlier years that the body should have been an automobile. When something goes wrong, find a spare part – here a clutch, here a brake pad or carburettor and there you go. This is actually happening today to our bodies. We need a specialist for every part of the body…. And mind.

Physical exercise is often seen as a path to a healthier body, but it’s equally important for a healthy mind. The endorphins released during physical activity not only boost mood but also enhance cognitive function, making us more alert and better able to handle challenges.

And let’s not overlook the joy of setting—and smashing—personal goals. Those little victories, like increasing your walking time or finally mastering that yoga pose, can give you a sense of accomplishment and motivation to keep going. Every step is a step closer to feeling fabulous!

Mobility in many ways

Now, let’s talk about how motion affects your career. Picture your job as a game of musical chairs—except instead of moving to different seats, you’re moving through different tasks and challenges. So, the next time you’re stuck on a project or feel like your brain is on vacation, try a quick walk around the office or some desk stretches. You might return to your desk with a newfound sense of clarity and a fresh perspective.

Think of it this way: office chairs are comfortable, but they’re not always the best for your productivity. Break up your day with some movement, and you’ll be surprised at how much more effective you become. The staircase is literally you moving upwards.

And let’s not forget about the social aspect of the workplace. Organizing a lunchtime walk or a weekly “steps challenge” can not only boost your health but also foster camaraderie among colleagues. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone, and who knows? You might end up making a new friend or two along the way.

The Golden Years and the Joy of Movement

Senior living is a chapter where the phrase “motion is lotion” really shines. It’s easy to fall into a sedentary lifestyle as we age, but keeping active is crucial for maintaining independence and quality of life. Think of it as a way to ensure you’re not just marking time but truly enjoying every moment.

For seniors, staying active can mean anything from gardening, to yoga, or joining a tai chi class or taking leisurely strolls in the park. The goal is to keep moving in ways that are enjoyable and safe. Regular activity helps with balance, flexibility, and overall strength—so you’re less likely to face those embarrassing “I tripped over my own feet” moments. If you can stand on one foot for more than 10 seconds, you are in the big league of “ fit as a fiddle”oldies.

And let’s be honest: who doesn’t want to stay young at heart? Engaging in activities you love can make you feel like a kid again. Remember the thrill of a dance party or the excitement of a new hobby? Reclaim that joy by finding activities that make you smile.

The Unsung Hero of Motion

Let’s not forget the benefits of social interaction to overall well-being. When you stay active, you’re not just benefiting your body; you’re also creating opportunities for meaningful connections. Whether it’s a group fitness class, a team sport, or a friendly neighbourhood walk, interacting with others while being active, can enhance your sense of community and belonging.

Think of social interaction as the “lotion” for your soul. It adds warmth, laughter, and joy to your life. Engaging in activities with friends or family can make exercise feel less like a chore and more like fun.

Memories made during group walks, playing a sport, or even just chatting during a walk are often cherished and replayed with a smile. Social interaction turns mundane activities into memorable adventures, making every step a step towards a happier, more connected life.

Re- create Yourself

Next time you’re tempted to skip that walk or sit through another hour of binge-watching, think of the benefits you’re missing out on. Embrace movement in all its forms—because when you keep moving, you’re not just adding years to your life; you’re adding life to your years. And who wouldn’t want to keep their joints, spirits, and social circles well-lubricated?

Imagine if your body and mind were a fine vintage car. You wouldn’t let that beauty sit in the garage, collecting cobwebs and rust! No, you’d be out there, cruising through life’s twists and turns, honking at opportunities, and maybe even taking the occasional victory lap around the block, just because you can.

Now, go out there and keep the wheels turning, the mind churning, and the good times rolling – after all, you’ve got places to go and memories to make!

Shake a leg and kindle the fire in your mind.

Written By
V. Krishnan
Extension 13
Covai S3 Retirement Community

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