
Retirement Community with Health Care

A Panacea for a Peaceful life during Silver Years   Retirement communities that are operational today in India cater to various services that the senior citizens need and also provide basic medical services including an ambulance for emergency evacuation. Are these retirement communities able to fulfill the requirement of senior citizens, especially in the context … Read more

Innovative Solutions for Climate Change to Accelerate our Circular Economy

I (Geetha Ravindranath) am sharing my experience with the consequences of the climate change and what I have been doing as part of Covai S3 Retirement Community to preserve the Mother Earth for her bounty of blessings bestowed on us when we faced serious water shortage power deficit, extreme climate change leading to unbearable life. Mother … Read more

Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Colonel (Veteran) A Sridharan, VSM, MD of Covai Property Centre was given the Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award by Rotary Club Madras Midtown. He also delivered Dr.C S Ramachandran Memorial address. Citation is given below…

Covai Amalagam

Lifestyle Apartments: It is our endeavor to give new meaning to luxury lifestyle and value addition in each of our projects. Amalagam, the latest landmark in Coimbatore is also different. The 8 luxury apartments in the heart of the city. Planned on a secluded and quite location in the heart of the city. You will … Read more