
Pride and Humility

Absence of Pride-Amaanitvam- is one of the traits of a seeker in Gita Ch.13-08

“Humility is a state of mind. When we become proud of our talent or achievements, we forget that God has given these attributes to us.Humility is a true renunciation of being special.

Only a simple heart can be humble. Simplicity and humility go hand-in-hand.

When we evolve spiritually, we learn to respect and love others.Empathy and compassion flows out from the vessel of your life like Ganges from Gangotri.

There are two ways to cultivate humility. The hard way is when life puts us through pain and suffering.These can smash our false sense of superiority in a single blow.The easy way is observing and discovering that there are many other people who are talented and skilled who do not go around marketing their talents.

Of little use are our prayers and practices if we cannot get over our sense of superiority, if we cannot see the goodness and divinity in those around us. Any spiritual attainment without humility vanishes quickly , leaving the seeker worse than ever before.”

(Tattvaloka-March 2023)

Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa says:

” After dusk when the glow worms make their appearance, they think ‘We are giving light to the world’. But when the stars begin to twinkle, the pride of the glow worm is humbled.

“Now the stars begin to think ‘ We are illuminating the Universe’. But after a while, the moon ascends the sky, and her silvery light humiliates the stars and they pale away in sadness.

Again the moon grows proud and thinks that by her light the world is lighted and bathed in beauty. But presently the dawn proclaims the ascent of the sun on the eastern horizon. And where is the moon now?”

CovaiCare Retirement Communities

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