The musical sojourn with Shreya Devnath on the violin
The musical sojourn with Shreya Devnath on the violin, featured by Team Covai and the residents of Soundaryam of Covai S3 Retirement community in the Navaratri Utsav
The musical sojourn with Shreya Devnath on the violin, featured by Team Covai and the residents of Soundaryam of Covai S3 Retirement community in the Navaratri Utsav
Retirement Community has two components namely Senior Living and Senior Care. One can say Retirement Community = Senior (Living + Care). The “living” component consists of of dwellings, amenities, basic medical facility and services like house keeping, catering etc. The “Care” component consists of Assisted, Memory, Palliative and Nursing Care. What we ideally need is … Read more
Strange it may sound, but the idea of setting up Covai Retirement Communities germinated from my life in an army Cantonment! Thirty years in uniform makes the uniformed life grow in you! “You can remove the Colonel from the army but not the army from the Colonel!” While serving the army, one does not realise … Read more
Post Retirement Financial Conditions: Funds might not be an issue, if your parents had foreseen as well as set aside enough funds for their care. In certain countries, the government too provides support for the senior citizens. If these two options are not available, then as a responsible son/daughter you are expected to step up … Read more
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