
Making it to the Top


A blog by Santhosh J Moorthy (DGM – Marketing & Branding)



I was working in an Auto Component Company, who is considered to be one of the giants in that industry in India. My designation and the departments that I was handling looked more responsible and it appeared to others that I had made it to the Top and that too, in such a big organization! Right from marketing, branding, corporate communications, digital marketing, and making Company’s PPT’s were measure of my responsibility and work.

I needed to invest excessive energy, working for the company and, missed spending time with my newly wedded wife. In spite of the fact that we had little time to spend on weekends, I did not realize her thoughts, her expectations, desires, love for me, since I became a workaholic. I had to carry my mobile phone every place, including bathroom to answer calls! Who would receive/make more than 100 calls in a day except BPO’s?   I had never heard of mobile phobia, until a good friend told me!  I always felt that my mobile was ringing and I used to take it to see who was calling, even when none called.



Professionally, everything was going perfect. After a major event, each and every person in the company applauded me for my good work. Yet, it not the same with the Management, who expected more from me every time! So, I decided to quit and, not to work in a proprietorship company.

Months after I resigned, an accident and a major surgery made me to sit at home for more than 10 months, which was affected my professional career.



I began posting my resume in all gateways and sent it to all known friends and well-wishers to find me a suitable job. After 5-6 months I started receiving calls from consultants with fancy designation and of course, with good pay. I discussed these offers with my friends, families especially my wife. Most of them asked me not to waste my career working in a Tier II city, move out, earn more, buy a luxury car, and purchase an apartment, save money for the family and future. It was all about money and making it to the top of the organisation.

I sat down and thought about what it would cost me making it to the top? What all will I have to sacrifice in that rat race? I found an appropriate answer!

Now a days, I do not hesitate to tell anyone that “making it to the top” meant cherishing exact work I do each day, adoring the company since I am treated fairly and with respect, I make decent money to be comfortable, get excellent benefits, have flexibility in working time and most importantly, I never missed playing a single football game with my companions, hockey tournaments in hometown as well as spending quality time with my dear wife and our little darling daughter. Yes, I do find time to charge out with friends occasionally, attend most of the family functions and celebrations, coaching football to my village kids etc.

I know taking the next step in my career would involve more time in traveling, sacrifices galore, not spending time with my family – all for making more money. Is it worth the effort?  “No,” according to me. Life needs to be enjoyed and at the same time one need to fulfill one’s obligations and the organisation that you work cares for you as much as you enjoy your work.

My definition of “making it to the top” doesn’t have to be society’s or anyone else’s definition. It is as the famous advertisement says, “Make your Own Roads! “

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