For want of a better word, we are currently using PWD (Person With Disabilities) for Special Needs Children in government circulars and legal documents. Using my brain’s magnifying glass, I tried my level best to find out what is the disability in them. Instead, I found that these children are exceptionally talented and have astonishing skills.
There are some children who cannot read or write but can memorise the songs or poem, some can solve 1000 plus pieces of jigsaw in a few minutes. In spite of their physical challenges like balancing due to cerebral palsy, or Down’s Syndrome, they can perform classical dance or a Bollywood number charmingly and capture the audience.
You name it they can do it. From baking cakes, photography, spotting birds and checking them on the internet, play piano, singing songs, marathon, yoga including twisting asanas etc.! Some of them keep their wardrobes so organised that you would not dare to open your wardrobe to anyone! The clothes neatly arranged, unruffled, ironed-like with no dog-ears!

I am amazed by their punctuality and orderliness which makes me wonder if they would be great traffic constables or timekeepers resulting in on-time transport as well as congestion free roads in the country. Data entry to dancing – they are perfect in everything they do.
In my humble opinion, the scale we are using to assess these extraordinarily abled children is fundamentally incorrect. Because some of the skills that they are displaying is not there in the neurotypical children, so how do you set the bar. A simple solution is available which is inclusivity. Keep them all together and let them learn different things from each other.
By segregating them we are not fair. Instead, if we accept them, give them the same love and, care there will be a remarkable difference in them as well in the society as a whole. They bond very well with each other as well as the people around them. They are very caring, selfless, egoless and with no expectations or filters.
There are many 5 Star hotels in India who have employed Special Needs adults, and their bosses are very happy with their meticulous, on schedule work with minimal absenteeism.
As a larger community, we can welcome these incredible children with open arms. Give them a chance to love, laugh and to be loved.
At CovaiCare Retirement Communities we follow the Inclusive Living Model for Special Needs Children (PWD) created by Colonel Achal Sridharan, Founder & MD, which is fully operational now, where the special adults live with their elderly parents in the same community and after the demise of their parents, CovaiCare’s governance model will take care of the Special Needs Adults until their lifetime.
Blog by Ms Bhuvana Iyer, CovaiCare